School Calendar
- Public Holiday
- School Holiday
- Student Events
- Teacher Events
Holiday for K.1
School Commencement Ceremony for K2 and K3
Adaption Period for K1
School Commencement Day for K1
The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
Parent's Evening Meeting
Birthday Party ( Sept – Oct )
Teachers’ Development Day
National Day
Chung Yeung Festival
Welcome Diamond Jubilee School Celebration Carnival
1st dose of seasonal influenza vaccine
Teachers’ Development Day
Graduation Photo shooting ( K.3 )
Birthday Party ( Nov-Dec )
2nd dose of seasonal influenza vaccine (is needed)
Parent's Evening Meeting
Children Christmas Celebration Party
Christmas and New Year Holiday
K3 Parents' Meeting regarding P1 selection
Birthday Party (Jan-Feb) and Chinese Costume Day
Lunar New Year Holiday (12 days)
Diamond Jubilee Walkathon
Parents Day and Bookstall
Parent's Evening Meeting
Class Observation for Parents (K.3)
Diamond Jubilee School Parent-Child Game Day
Birthday Party (Mar-Apr)
Diamond Jubilee School Parent-Child Game Day
Compensatory Leave
Ching Ming Festival
Children Easter Celebration Party
Easter Holiday
Class Observation for Parents (K.2)
Labour Day
Public Holiday
Parent-teacher Meeting - Preparation for K2 students promoting to primary school
Class Observation for Parents (K.1)
Diamond Jubilee Birthday Celebration and Birthday Party(May-June)
Dragon Boat Festival
The 60th Diamond Jubilee Graduation Ceremony
The day following the Graduation Ceremony
HKSAR Establishment Day
Birthday Party (Jul & Aug)
End of School Year Ceremony for K.1 & K.2
Parents Day and Bookstall
Summer Integrated Interest Class(am)
Graduation gathering and farewell party(pm)
Summer Holiday