Vision and Mission
Religion :Christianity
Category :School under Kindergarten Education Scheme
School Manager : SH Choi、MT Chan、SW Cheng、ML Lee、MC Lam 、Grace Y、TL Lai、YS Wong、WK Chan、KY Chu、SK To
School Supervisor :Mr KW Leung
Principal :Ms SL Kwan
Mission :Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)
Vision :Provide high-quality whole-person education for children in the spirit of Christ's
fraternity. It fosters children to be willing to learn, be good at communication, have the
courage to take responsibility and be innovative.
For Students
- Let young children know God and cultivate them to learn to love each other and care for others;
- Provide proper care and protection for children;
- Help young children to develop good learning attitudes and living habits;
- Provide a diverse group life that everyone has the opportunity to participate in;
- Cultivate children's concept of family ethics;
- Educate children to be good citizens.
For Parents
- Being evangelized and care the spiritual needs of parents;
- Induce parents to have a deeper understanding of the education needs for the development of children;
- Enhance the function of parental education for parents, so that they can have a better and deeper understanding of their children;
- Keep close contact with parents to develop quality kindergarten education;
- Assist families with problems or poverty; make support or referrals if needed.
For Teachers
- Take care of teachers' feelings and help their spiritual growth;
- Support teachers to have comprehensive professional training;
- Enhance the development of teachers' professional knowledge;
- Provide adequate support to help teachers achieve updated education.
For School
- Allocate and make good use of resources effectively;
- High-performance leadership by the Principal and teamwork of all school staffs;
- Community collaboration for interactive education;
- Connected with primary schools in the same community to design the curriculums in order to enhance the smooth transition from kindergarten to primary schools.